Pacster, sometimes known as Pac-Man, is a youthful Pac-Man with a strong appetite and a belief in ghosts. He has lived in his dorm since he was a little child and has been orphaned. Spiral and Cylindr...

A full-conversion cyborg named Nene Nanakorobi hopes to bring about world peace. She meets the eccentric scientist Uzal Delilah while sailing on a cruise ship near the picturesque manmade island of Ce...

Rebecca Miyamoto, a child prodigy homeroom teacher, and the antics of her class 1-C are the focus of Pani Poni Dash's main plot. The characters are students in a high school named Peach Moon Academy w...

The Anarchy sisters, Panty and Stocking, angels who were expelled from Heaven for their misbehavior, are the focus of the show. They are taken to Daten City, which is a play on the Japanese word daten...

Princess Dejiko discovers she "needs" to assist people all around the world while reading a book. Dejiko wants to leave the castle with Puchiko by her side, but her instructor stops her because it is ...

Yukari is a typical high school girl who goes to school each day and pays attention to her parents. She comes across a group of fashion design students who have a garment line called "Paradise Kiss" a...

Kanji Yakutani, a Japanese medical researcher, died from overwork as a result of his lifelong concern with creating new medicines to aid others. To his utter surprise, he discovers that he has been re...

The quiet character designer Tsukiko Sagi, who made the wildly successful pink dog Maromi, is under pressure to duplicate her success. One evening as she makes her way home, an elementary school boy o...

The events of the first OVA series are immediately followed by those in Parasite Dolls, which is set in the original Bubblegum Crisis universe. It concentrates on the Branch division of the A.D. Polic...

Izumi Shinichi, 17, resides with his mother and father in a peaceful area in Tokyo. One night, worm-like aliens known as Parasytes invade Earth and enter through human hosts' ears or nostrils to take ...