Miharu Rokujo is a contemporary Japanese student who is unconcerned with his surroundings. Koichi Aizawa and Tobari Kumohira, two ninja associated with the Banten Village, one day defend Miharu from a...

6.40 7.27 509

The story, which is set in an alternate 1889, focuses on Nadia, a 14-year-old girl of unknown ancestry, and Jean, a young, kind-hearted French inventor. Grandis Granva, Sanson, and Hanson, a trio of j...

7.80 7.52 503

Famous for her ability to distinguish over 500 fragrances, Najica Hiiragi is a well-known perfumer for CRI Cosmetics. She is actually a field agent with CRI's Intelligence Bureau, which is a secret or...

5.90 5.98 549

The Mikadono Group is a multinational corporation with its headquarters in Japan and is run by Kumagoro Mikadono. He designates his son Shogo as his successor in the business. However, once Kumagoro p...

6.00 6.53 655

When they both travel to Tokyo after turning 20 on March 5, 2001, Nana Osaki and Nana Komatsu (also known as Hachi)[a] cross paths: Nana O. to pursue a professional music career with her band, Black S...

8.50 8.52 442

The protagonist of the tale is the aloof and chilly seventeen-year-old Nanaka Kirisato, a student who only thinks about her grades and getting into a reputable university. Nenji Nagihara, a childhood ...

6.80 6.58 455

Four young guys assigned to Nanba Prison, the most formidable prison in the world, are the focus of the narrative. Uno, a womanizer and gambling addict; Rock, who enjoys eating and fighting; and Nico,...

6.60 7.33 365

"Naruto" is a highly popular shonen anime based on the manga of the same name by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows the journey of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja from the village of Konoha, who dreams of be...

8.40 8.24 708

"Naruto: Shippuden" is the sequel to the original "Naruto" anime and covers the latter part of the "Naruto" manga series. The story picks up two and a half years after Naruto Uzumaki leaves Konoha, th...

8.70 8.24 1546

Takashi Natsume, who inherited this talent from his grandmother Reiko Natsume, has been able to see ghosts for as long as he can remember. His upbringing was lonely as a result of this ability because...

8.10 8.32 818

The beginning date of this anime is unknown, however it takes place 50 years after World War III. Where Tokyo once stood, the conflict has left a crater that is now covered with toxic rubble. This are...

6.60 7.24 381

Negi Springfield takes on the roles of English and homeroom teacher for Mahora Academy Class 2A while searching for information regarding his missing father Nagi (later 3A). Most of Negi's new classma...

6.80 6.94 411