Yashiro Isana has led a rather routine, uncomplicated life. He attends Ashinaka High School, a renowned high school that is situated on an island just outside the regions, and resides in the technolog...

7.00 7.45 381

Four high school girls in an unidentified region of Japan join the private, all-girls Sakuragaoka High School's light music club in an effort to keep it from disbanding. They are the only club members...

7.80 7.85 479

Yashiro Isana has led a rather routine, uncomplicated life. He attends Ashinaka High School, a renowned high school that is situated on an island just outside the regions, and resides in the technolog...

7.00 7.57 544

The world is in the midst of the industrial revolution when horrific creatures emerge from a mysterious virus, ripping through the flesh of humans to sate their never-ending appetite. The only way to ...

7.20 7.26 518

"KADO: The Right Answer" (also known as "Seikaisuru Kado") is a science fiction anime series that blends elements of politics, philosophy, and diplomacy with extraterrestrial encounters. The stor...

6.70 6.76 544

Miyuki Shirogane, president of the student council, and Kaguya Shinomiya, vice president, seem to be the ideal complement for their positions in the senior high school division of Shuchiin Academy. Mi...

8.50 8.41 589

Seika High, known for its rambunctious pupils and once an all-boys institution, has just opened its doors to coed students. Even with the recent changes, there are still fewer women than men, so Misak...

7.90 8.01 635

Attending Hyakkaou Private Academy, in contrast to many other institutions, helps pupils get ready for life in the real world. The academy has its own peculiarities that set it apart from all the othe...

7.20 7.26 469

Sora Naegino, a young Japanese girl with exceptional acrobatic skills, travels to Cape Mery, a city that combines Los Angeles and San Francisco, in California in order to try out for the Kaleido Stage...

7.80 7.91 530

Yurie, a meek and generally unremarkable middle school student, learns all of a sudden that she has abruptly changed into a kami, a Shinto goddess. She doesn't know what kind of deity she is or what p...

7.10 7.37 388

Kyhei, a university student, relocated from his hometown to Tokyo in an effort to escape some upsetting experiences. He goes out on a group date one evening with his buddies, including Hibino, his for...

6.70 7.01 551

Like all high school girls, Nanami Momozono aspires to have an ordinary school life. Instead, she has to deal with the fact that her gambling-addicted father has racked up a lot of debts in her name. ...

8.10 8.08 484